Keeping our Community-based Satellite and Tutoring Centers Safe is Everyone's Priority
A Caring and Safe Environment fosters integrity and respect
Amazing Tutors Inc. and the Amazing Tutors Children's Foundation are committed to providing safe and caring environments in which all learners can achieve academic excellence, personal growth and responsible citizenship. We follow the Safe and Caring Policies and ensure that our center-environments are free of acts of:
Bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, threat and intimidation, violence in any form:
- Verbal, physical or sexual abuse/exploitation,
- Discrimination in any form,
- Theft and vandalism
No "Flaming": Flaming is a form of verbal abuse when a person intentionally attacks or disrespects somebody for whatever reason. Maybe he or she did not agree with something they said, however, there is a nice way to share a different point of view without name calling or attacking someone. Harassing or insulting someone is not an acceptable behaviour.
Safe and caring environments do not tolerate the presence of:
- Intoxicating or banned substances,
- Weapons or replica weapons and explosives and,
- Intruders or tresspassers
It is expected that students will:
- Neither take part in, nor condone (provoke, encourage or make a spectacle of) any form of violence, including bullying, harassment, threat and intimidation, verbal, physical or sexual abuse, discrimination in any form.
- Seek to prevent violence and potentially violent situations.
- Not use, possess or sell any intoxicating, banned or controlled substances.
- Demonstrate, when using electronic resources, appropriate on-line conduct including refraining from any acts of cyberbullying.
- Show respect for the property of others by refraining from theft, vandalism, graffiti and other inappropriate behaviours.
- Not use cell phones or cameras inappropriately.
- Be present at our tutoring centers for center authorized purposes only.
- Use respectful language and refrain from using obscenity or profanity while in our center and at our center-sponsored activities.
- Demonstrate commitment to learning by coming to our centers prepared to learn and by contributing to a positive, orderly, peaceful environment.
- Practice academic honesty and personal integrity by not participating in or encouraging plagiarism, cheating, theft of evaluation instruments, use of unauthorized aids, or false representation of identity.
Dress Code
Amazing students are expected to wear clothing that is discreet and appropriate. Slogans that depict, suggest, or promote drugs, sex, violence, alcohol, racism, power groups or use or suggest profanities and the like are not permitted. The expectation is that the students of Amazing Tutors Inc use their common sense and be sensitive to the feelings of others. Students inappropriately dressed may be required to return home to change. Behaviors cited in the code of conduct are examples only and not all inclusive list. There are rising expectations for behaviour as students mature through successive grades.
Consequences of unacceptable behaviour will consider the student's age, maturity and special needs (if any - such as an intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional or behavioural disability), severity and frequency of actions and whenever possible and appropriate, focus on being restorative rather than punitive in nature. Reasonable steps will be taken to prevent retaliation against a student who has reported breach of the code of conduct and an explaination of our center's responsibility to advise other parties of serious breaches (notification).
Academic Integrity Policy
Amazing Tutors sets high standards for its students and expects that all students maintain a high standard of integrity. Student work must be original and sources referenced appropriately. Currently, SFU and secondary schools as well as many colleges around the world use a program called Turnitin. Student work submitted for English, English Literature or Social Studies courses, is routinely check by the Turnitin plagiarism identification program.
"Plagiarism is the passing off of another person's work as one's own, whether deliberate or accidental. Accidental plagiarism is usually the result of poor citation or referencing or of a poor preparation or a misunderstanding of plagiarism. Deliberate plagiarism is an attempt to claim another persons's work as one's own ("
Student Threat Assessment Protocol: Fair Notice
What behaviours initiate a student threat assessment?
A student threat assessment will be initiated when behaviours include, but are not limited to, serious violence or violence with intent to harm or kill, verbal/written threats to harm/kill others, Internet website/MSN threats to harm/kill others, possession of weapons (including replicas), bomb threats and fire setting.
Duty to Report
To keep communities safe and caring, staff, parents, students and community members must report all threat-related behaviours.
What is a threat?
A threat is an expression of intent to do harm or act out violently against someone or something. Threats may be verbal, written, drawn, posted on the internet or made by gesture. Threats must be taken seriously, investigated and responded to.
What is a Threat Assessment Team?
Our Threat Assessment Team is multi-disciplinary. The team includes our center directors, B.C. certified teachers and senior educational consultants and may include the police.
What is the purpose of a student threat assessment?
The purpose of a student threat assessments are:
To ensure the safety of students, staff, parents and others.
To ensure a full understanding of the context of the threat.
To understand factors contributing to the threat maker's behaviour.
To be proactive in developing an intervention plan that addresses the emotional and physical safety of the threat maker.
To promote the emotional and physical safety of all.
What happens in a student threat assessment?
All threat making and violent behaviour by a student shall be reported to the teacher or tutor. They will activate the protocol for the initial response. Once the team has been activated, interview may be held with the student(s), the threat maker, parents and staff to determine the level of risk and develop an appropriate response to the incident. Intervention plans will be developed and shared with parents, staff and students as required.
Can I refuse to participate in a threat assessment process?
It is important for all parties to engage in the process. However, if for some reason there is a reluctance to participate in the process by the threat maker or parent / guardian, the threat assessment process will continue in order to promote a safe and caring learning environment.
Tobacco-free Environments
In the interests of the health of students, staff and all others who use or visit our centers, Tobacco use is not permitted on any part of our property that is used for the purpose of delivering educational or other learning programs. This includes: smoking; using tobacco, including chewing tobacco; and holding lighted tobacco. All staff are responsible for ensuring that this policy is followed -in the best interests of everyone's health.
Reference: Safe and Caring Schools Policy 9410 and Regulations 9410.1 and 9410.2
Best Rules of Netiquette
Source: Chelle -Yahoo! Contributor Network
Respect Others' Copyrights
Information on the Internet has copyrights and licenses. Copying the works of someone else without permission or saying it is your own will not only ruin your own online reputation, but could land you with hefty fines and lawsuits.
Follow the TOS
Most sites have a "Term of Service" policy that also lists rules of netiquette. Read it and abide by it. Discussions are constantly deleted because what was posted did not meet the terms of the website.
Keep it Appropriate
Never write or say anything that you would not let your parents/kids read. It can really come back to haunt you if you write something that is not appropriate. Be aware that electronic messages are archived, and the archives are available for a very long time. It is generally not possible to retrieve messages once they have been sent.
Research your Facts and Cite Sources
There is so much information online, it can be very difficult to distinguish what is true and not true. Before posting something, forwarding emails, or going off on a tangent, make sure it is factual and cite sources if possible to boost your credibility. Scroll Up