Art enables us to find ourselves and love ourselves at the same time
Using Art Therapy to Help Children Develop
Amazing Tutors understands that students' learning is related to their specific intelligence areas. The arts - whether performance or visual - provide a unique opportunity for children with learning disabilities. While some children struggle to adapt to a traditional learning environment or curriculum, these same students can thrive in artistic endeavors. The arts can provide a lower-stress environment, boost creativity, and help challenged children learn the skills they need to succeed in life.
Why art?
Our tutoring company understands that the needs of all learners are different. When offering tutoring help, our tutors take into account the specific way and individual retains information, whether it be visual, through art and movement, logical or linguistic. Learning disabilities in children can range from mild to severe, and the problems can stem from inability to communicate, trouble reading, comprehension issues, or focus/concentration/hyperactivity disorders. As an outlet, art is uniquely qualified to handle a wide range of learning disabilities in children young and old and from those simply struggling to fit in to those with extreme hurdles. For example,PBS notes that for children with language comprehension problems or dyslexia, images can give them an ability to communicate where words can not. Another example includes children with ADHD, where creative outlets like painting, dance, and musical performance can help them channel their energy into something productive.
Visual art for students who have trouble with verbal written communication
The beauty of visual art is that almost all children - no matter their particular disability - have the ability to create it and use it to express their ideas and emotions. The creation of the art itself - whether it is watercolors, clay sculpting, painting, drawing, paper mache, or anything in between - gives children with disabilities joy and helps to build self-esteem.
Beyond that, those looking to teach children concepts that appear to be out of their realm of comprehension can use visual art to get their message across and allow children to express their own understanding. By drawing, painting, or sculpting concepts and ideas from books and other lessons, children are able to depict their thoughts on characterization, event sequencing, and even infer their own conclusions. Check out this solid collection of articles, books, and programs for bridging the gap between disability, art, and learning.
Tactile art
The benefits of hands-on, tactile learning for those with disabilities is well-documented. While teachers have been using tactile technology to create 3D models to assist in learning, helping "students with learning difficulties like dyslexia and similar impairments such as dyscalculia and dysgraphia - which affect math and writing understanding and abilities," a similar process can be applied in the arts. Specifically, textile artistry and even sewing can be helpful.
Performance for those with attention disorders
Perhaps the most prominent learning disability affecting children is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and other adjacent conditions that hamper their ability to focus, concentrate, and expend energy in appropriate ways. New research suggests that children who channel their energy into performance art - like music, dance and play acting - perform better on concentration - related tasks. Check here for more on helping children with ADHD through movement.
Art therapy
Decades ago, the concept of art therapy as an actual therapeutic field may have generated scoffs. But today, licensed art therapists are helping people (especially children) with a wide range of disabilities and conditions (including learning). If you are looking to foster a learning-challenged child and improve focus, self-esteem, concentration, visualization, and communicating complex ideas, you may want to invest in true art therapy.
When you think about our base communications and how we deal with emotions on a viseral level, it is easy to see why overall learning through art is so compelling. Learning disabilities, at their core, involve problems with self-expression and the ability to fully comprehend simple to complex ideas. What better way than art - which comes so naturally to us even at an early age - to help children overcome these barriers. - Lillian Brooks, Professional Learning Disabilities Info Communicator